Sunday, July 15, 2007

Climbing Furka barefoot (the cleansing)

So I had this cold as of last Friday. I hate it, it is good for nothing and obstructs you from doing anything decent. I makes you feel like dying.
Saturday came and I went to Zürich. I had a fever as well. It was hot, so I stopped every 5 minutes and had a beer. Went home early, drunk.......sick. Sunday I get up early. I have a terrible fever and the weather promised 35 degrees C. I had two cups of coffee, trying to wake up and then, don`t know why, I thought of Furka. It was stronger than me. I took my keys and left.
It is about one and half hours drive to the Furkapass. To me, this is one of the most spectacular places in all of Switzerland. I drove to more or less the highest point, parked the car and couldn`t help but just feeling sick. I had a t-shirt, shorts, and flip flops. As I looked around I see all this well trained hickers with their backpacks, their mountain boots, supplies, Nordic Walking Sticks, telling each other never to wander off without proper preparation.
Well they should know and I was too sick to have a proper climb anyway. I threw my flip flops in the car and wandered of into the grassland with my camera. I hoped to find some nice flowers, maybe some insects. Take some pictures. Arriving in the field I had to lay down. I was dizzy, hadn`t eaten all day. There were the first little insects. Little butterflies, I never had been able to shoot a proper picture of those, they always fly away. But not this time. Even a fat fly wouldn`t move when sticking my camera in his face. I was like they felt sorry me, being all sick and the sweat dripping off my soaring body.
I looked around to the remote peaks, seeing the hickers fully packed struggling up there. I couldn`t resist. I started walking in that direction as well. Some hickers, coming down pointed at my bare feet and told me to back. It was dangerous they said. I don`t care, something is calling me. So I went on and on and around every curve of the narrow path the peaks became better visible. It was as though they called me, like they had something for me. At some point, the vegetation was limited to smallest of plants, some moss.......and then there was a pond. Very small. It was full of small aquatic vegetation and mosquito`s. I laid down, face downward and saw all the small air bubbles. Mosquito`s would land on my arm, they were even mating on my forearm. Now here was a small scale battle for life. But I had to move on. The hickers were not amused seeing me walking up there, with nothing. Not even a pair of shoes. Two of them even offered me to take me down. That`s it, I had enough. I just crossed a metal bridge and I wandered off the path and started a ascent to a high point, which appeared to be more than an hour away. Something happened, when changing from the hot sunburned stones and crossing the icy cold snow patches. I could feel a strange motion going through my body. It went hot and cold again and hot and cold again. The sweat was emerging like never before. I was soaked, my t-shirt was saturated. I could fell liquid shit leaving my ass and dripping into my shorts. I became harder to see clear. The mountains were moving, they were playing tricks on me. As I started climbing the high point, I could feel stones slipping away from under feet. Falling down. When I reached my point of aim, hardly knew my own name no more. There was nothing left in stomach and the sweating and hard wind had progressed the process of dehydration beyond acceptable limits.
I started taking pictures and while doing so, all of the sudden everything became clear in my head, The sweating stopped, the surroundings stopped moving.........the fever broke.
Man I was on top of the earth. Down there I noticed the hickers struggling with their equipment, pointing each other the loose stones, so they won`t trip over it. I sit down and take a picture from between my feet, of the boulders and the ice patches beneath. I stand up again, feeling as strong as an ox, smelling as strong as an ox as well. When descending, I jumped from boulder to boulder and back on the original track, overhauled several hickers. Poison had left my body and my flu was decreased to a mild cold again.
So for any of you, who come down with a severe fever, climb the mountains bare foot. The mountains won`t tell and the freezing wind will extract the poison. That is the ultimate cleansing effect.

Oh, nice pictures of the endeavor on

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