Yeah, that would cause some commotion, as Art Conrad in Connecticut just found out. "Santa died for your MasterCard." And ever so right he is. In Holland (where I was born and thank heavens do not have to live any longer) Santa sales broke all limits again. A staggering 700 million Euro´s will be spent on buying gifts and stuffing faces with the fruits of decadence. And of course, the Christian soul can shut his eyes for the hunger and misery in the world for two day´s. They will donate another 2pence for the dying and the starving while farting and belching away their meals. "Santa has been perverted from who he started out to be," Conrad said. "Now he's the person being used by corporations to get us to buy more stuff." And that is also true of course. But then, what can you expect? We are celebrating the birth of a man that encouraged greed;
Luke 19
26"He replied, 'I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away."And doesn´t that prophecy reflect the essence of today´s Christmas celebration?
Ah here we may be a little confused, for JC is known to be gentle loving and caring man. Well I hate to disappoint you again. Only one sentence further, he reveals his true nature;
Luke 19
27"But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me."